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Introduction to sailing

At the end of this Introduction lesson you will be able to manage sailing boat speed and steering, setup the sails and maneuvering under sails.

Be a sailor in a day

Initiation to sailing theory and sailing practice, learning about the boat and its components, from structure to sailplan. Get sailing basics and have a fun on a private sailing boat in Lake Ontario!

CYA Start keelboat sailing course

Initiation to sailing theory and sailing practice, learning about the boat and its components, from structure to sailplan. Candidates will be awarded Sail Canada’s Start Keelboat Sailing Standard.

CYA Basic sailing cruising course

To be able to cruise safely in familiar waters as both skipper and crew of a sloop rigged keelboat of 6 to 10 meters with an outboard or inboard motor in moderate wind and sea conditions by day.

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